hello hello! once upon a time i used to do a segment called "friday's favorite" where i'd feature an item that was either collected or created and struck my fancy. well...it's been awhile since i've done that. quite awhile actually so i thought no time like the present to rehash a former format. and since this week was full of favorites why no showcase more than one, right? well...here goes...
{favorite newbie}
i welcomed this new kid on the block {below} with open arms. been waiting a long time for her to make her appearance! so i hope you will love this curly wire photo stand as much as i! and YES! i am happy to report that after much urging...i will be selling the FAMILY flashcards @ my cottage as well! just incase inquiring minds want to know!
{favorite moment/s}
how do you pick just one from seven packed days!? so i will narrow down to a couple that brought a smile to my face + were good for my soul.
2 weeks ago today MJ, my "stray" duck {as my niece, jessi, says} came into my crazy world. he is growing fast & has provided much laughter + stories. (don't even ask about the night i dove into the woods...poison ivy & all....when he got spooked off by one jealous dalmatian). anywho...this was a tender moment {below} when he was nestled in by my big 'ol boots relaxing on the lawn.
recently my last couple posts have gone on about "grey" days. well the rain has subsided and the sun was out in full force this morning while i was out on an early run. it seems the shades of grey have relented to the wonderful shades of blue {below}!
{favorite W.I.P....that'd be WORK IN PROGRESS}
i don't think you can throw a stick @ pinterest these days and not see some sort of pallet or wood slatted inspired project. so i took me some of my stash of lath and got to experimenting. well...this is as far as i got {below} but maybe i should follow the quote in front of me...maybe all is need is love! i'll keep ya posted.
{favorite bauble}
some weeks i work more on wood related projects...others you'd catch me knee deep in metal working. well these last few days have been spent bringing some jewelry elements together. and tough as it is to pick a fav...i'd say these lovely butterfly wings {below} of another talented artisan's hand that i paired with my chains are right up there! you can "catch" them this sunday @ shady hollow where i'll be open for business.
so there you have some of my favorites from the past {7} days. which reminds me i best get about mine! and sure hope you enjoy your's!
not to play "favorites"...but i do appreciate all of you taking the time to pop by & see what's going on in my little corner of the world!
well isn't that a whole bunch of charming yumminess all plopped together....love every element AND the sunshine!
Posted by: northern cottage | June 23, 2012 at 08:35 AM
I always love visiting your blog Beth, it is always full of beautiful things!!~
I love the photo of your little "MJ", so cute!! And your gorgeous soldered butterfly wings~fabulous!! Are they real ones?
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Posted by: Melinda | June 23, 2012 at 09:41 AM
Always love reading your posts!! Don't comment often, but I am always here snooping around!! You are so creative and I take alot of inspiration from you just in my daily living! Thanks for being you!
Posted by: Robin W. | June 25, 2012 at 12:19 PM