hi there show&TELL friends! for longer than i can recall...i have been meaning (2) revist a PASTpost that has been one of my all time most "pinned" on pinterest. that would be a revinvention of broken glassCHRISTMAS ornaments turned into your own "glassGLITTER".
glass glitter can be pricey if you buy the real deal. and though this isn't entirely the same as the original...i've found it to be a wonderful reUSE of what might have been a "sad" situation. please read on to learn more!
so...the "glitter" you see {above} is, like i said, the result of quite a few glassCHRISTMAS ornaments tangling w/ the ever pesky force of gravity. but, as i found a few years back... the aftermath can be most useful. and darn pretty!
now...i realize that not many of you are "unintentionally" breaking glass ornaments right now....what the holidays come and gone. which makes me very late getting to this topic...or very early setting the stage for you for the holiday season THIS year. but armed w/ the tidbits from today...you'll be ready regardless.
you might just find yourself digging out a few bulbs and...gasp... crushing them to create your own bits of useful yearlong sparkle. if that's the case...or perhaps you have a little stash of ornies saved that you couldn't bear to discard...continue on to the DIRECTIONS.
1st STEP... grab yourself {2} ziplock baggies...doubled them up & put the salvage pieces inside. (i find it easier to pulverize without the "neck" portion of the bulbs...they are more ridgid and can be sharp!
2nd STEP - find an appropriate work surface...counter...cutting board...concrete floor...something solid + sound. out comes a rolling pin {one used for crafts...save your good one for the bread dough}.
inflict a few good intial "blows"...w/ your pin to doubledUP bags... to break down large fragments into small / medium sized pieces.
3rd STEP - continue using your pin to roll over & over the bag. doing so will pulverize the contents inside. but please do watch your bag...you are working with sharp bits and pieces here. and in the case of plastic vs. glass...glass is ALWAYS going to be the winner. you may need a bag switchout if so.
4th STEP. roll it some more. trust me. you want it to continue to break everything down. do you see where i am going here? you're actually making this glass into "glitter"!
after many passes w/ the rolling pin...when i was happy w/ the size of the flecks...i cut the corners of the ziplock bags and emptied into a small vial...voila...glassGLITTER as you'll spy below.
now what to do with this freshly created glitter, you ask? well other than look pretty in a clear jar... i took the lid to a little HEARTbox that i recently rescued from the thrift. {see it below}
the original velvet lining on said lid was tatty & peeling. after i removed it...i poured in some modPODGE letting the glue flow across the entire surface of the lid and heavily coated that w/ my newly minted glitter! see the after {below}...noting those sweet scallop edges that drew me in intially.
the lid still fits on the bottom of the box so the function is still there...just a bit more FUN and also usual for "heARTSY" staging should the moment arise!
of course my mind was still whirling. i wanted to show another use of the glitter. this time i took a heart finding. again i mixed layers of glue + glitter. in the early stages as seen here...
after the addition of a resin coating...the glassGLITTER is permantely encased in the heart that confines it. safe now to wear & enjoy. safe? you say... well remember... this is GLASS and though it sparkles so... it can be sharp and precaution should be taken with the creation of the "glitter" and your works thereafter.
and since i love to see a dose of turquoise against a pop of RED...i've shown my heart-N-hand creation w/ patinaCROSS friend {below}!
so ends this tale of my continued "mishaps" of broken glass bulbs. all this mention of christmas, hearts. and red glitter. gee i may come across as a bit seasonal confused! but make no mistake... glitter...hearts...MAKIN'... these things are ALWAYS in season!
AND just incase you'd like to see the "original" process...the initial {very LARGE} loss of silver glass ornaments years back that got my mind going the 1st time 'round. the before...after & another mended "heart" creation can be seen below!
are you inspired?! then my "job" for the time being is done! now i wouldn't blame you if you go and dig out a few ornaments that may just lend themselves to a "fall" to the floor or "blow" of the pin. i can only imagine that there will be a time when i am purposely seeing some bulbs find a new lease on life myself~ and i will likely show you! no matter WHAT the season happens to be!
go forth & create to {MAKE} something great...
I have always wanted to make various charms with sayings. Do you know of a website that can help me with making them?
I enjoyed looking at all your creative things. It was fun.
Thank you! and thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Kathy | January 17, 2016 at 05:20 PM