why hello! thanks for taking the time to peek today! time to share the balance of the fleaMARKETstyle photo shoot that took place in our home last year. incase you missed part#1 you can see that post by clicking {HERE}.
so picking up where i left off...here's a glimpse into our master bedroom. {below}

our "headboard" is a piece of architectural salvage w/ the best pattern & weathered {patinaWHITE} finish. i had this piece W A Y before our home was built. one of those "save it for a special occasion" numbers i loved but couldn't place @ the time. and when the time came to figure out a backdrop to our bed with the tricky low sloping ceilings...i recalled that fabulous piece of whatever*it*was tucked in storage.
we have mis-matching HIS&HER bedside tables. my "nightstand" is an old folding bistro table from france. a collage of various shapes and sizes of mirrors provides some moments of "reflection". the bench was a local flea find. it is the perfect "put your socks on in the morning spot". and a basket tucked beneath is ready w/ extra blankets for chilly minnesota winters.
bedding breakdown. it's a mix of all things old w/ the exception of the duvet. the crochet spread on the end is a treasure i adore. i found it at the bottom of a very dusty box in a forgotten corner of an antique mall. took some washing that led to some patching {thanks ma} to bring it back to glory. and the folded paisley feather "quilt" is one of a handful of eiderdowns from europe i was glad to get years ago before cost & overseas shipping got too high.

then the pages roll into my {MAKE} room {seen above}. it's my space in our basement where i create my jewelry. the lower level of our house is a complete flip of the usual white ceilings and dark floors. i painted the concrete floors white not only to brighten but because it was thrifty. and the ceilings down here are stained dark brown to provide a cozy feeling.
thought this would be a good opportunity with this room to add a little splash of color to the walls that you won't find elsewhere in our home. i took a vintage BALL canning jar into a home improvement store to find the closest match i could find. i'm thrilled with how it turned out. this "ball jar blue" is cheerful and bright despite being in the depths of downstairs.
my work table needed to be stout and sturdy. so i designed one...then enlisting the help of a dear friend who is a work-working master. he incorporated the pipe legs i brought him and made it exactly to my specs to fit the room. and it now takes the brut force of the blow of my hammers i use in forging my baubles.
the cabinet in the very background houses a plethora of storage containers varying from cigar boxes to bottles of ever shape and size. there was alot of sweet talkin' to convince hubby and brother-in-law to get that girl in there. and with only inches to spare to the ceiling it's a perfect fit!
an old floral chandi that hails from italy and an industrial jointed table lamp provide task lighting @ it's finest. the ease of being able to put a bright glow onto my work zones is crucial when the sun's soft glow isn't present.
then there's the peek into my {MAKE} room closet {below}

though it may seem ultra organized...that is ALWAYS a work in progress. and one day spent rummaging around and "making" can change the scenery drastically. but i do love now having a spot to contain yet again the many vessels and boxes that house my treasure trove.
incase you were wondering...the shelving...got those @ menards. they were simple, inexpensive pine bookcases that i whitewashed. and i could set the shelves wherever it made sense for what was to be place on them.
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you'll also see above a tiny glimpse into our laundry room on this same page. here again...i dabbled in a color for the wall. {wish i could provide a reference for those of you lovin' the shade. but what i started with and my mad scientist experiment of mixing and remixing to get the hue leaves me no reference}.
anywho...i am a fan of industrial looks mixed with rustic elements. which is why i picked a secondhand piece of burlap {i washed to rumple her up} for the folding table's "skirt". a commercial spray faucet was meant to tackle the stains that come with a "junk" passionate family. you're bound to get dirty in mine and hubby's line of work. and that sign. i know...cool, right? which is PRECISELY why i chipped it out a hardened icy snowbank @ a junker buddy's house. it was cold. but i was determined. so glad that was the case as it solved the big open blank wall issue.
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ok. i know...this is L O N G. but i like to go over the extras for you detailed minded folks. so here's a few shots of our office {below}. i think the captions pretty well sum up most of what's going on. the only thing i would note is how much i LOVE the desk. i did the blueprints and had another cabinet making friend build for me. the hinged beadboard door drops down to reveal yet another computer that i use but didn't want to be "seen". and the variety of locker baskets below provide storage for the paper trail that goes along with our lives.

then there is the full view of our office {shown below}.

you can see the continuation of my desk i designed as it extends into the metal topped workspace with a file cabinet end. the metal wrapping was a joint effort. i did the finish work of oxidizing the surface w/ a mixture of acids and vinegars. then i wanted something a bit more industrial looking for the edge. so i hammered nails in it. it's a sturdy surface that i made sure to make as large as possible to accommodate the piles of paper that seem to collect here.
did you note the "window treatment"? i found this giant old locksmith advertising key online from another junker downsizing her collection. at the time...way before i started the office project...i didn't have a clue to where i would put it. just knew that i was CRAZY for it. key shape. black and white coloring kissed w/ rust. what's NOT to love?? so i tucked in a corner of the office hoping to incorporate it into the surroundings. then it hit me...why not use as a "valance" to help fill in the large window while keeping the view into our country fields still open. so that's exactly what i did using two old rusty springs + chain to suspend it from.
then if you'll note the HAPPY DAY TO YOU on the cupboard end...that's a time card holder that was a tish to new and shiny for this girl. so i tossed that baby into the fire letting the flames speed up the aging process. now it's the perfect spot for to add old flashcards for fun messages.
well that covers the inside of our home. then there's a few pages dedicated to the great outdoors. the first one {below} highlights one of most prized "dump" finds.

the story goes like this. i was perusing around the metal scrap {sadly, they no longer allow for such delights} when i saw slightly buried what i knew was the framework for a locker basket stand. i dug. and DUG til i got it unearthed from the twisted metal that confined it. only to discover that it wouldn't fit in my car i had @ the time. rookie move. bring a small car to a big dump. so i did the only thing i could think of. i lugged it across the dusty lot. and over a pile of barrier logs into the trees. and tucked it there like a squirrel hiding a nut. {as i type this in hindsight...maybe I am the reason for the cease & desist order on salvaging in the scrap pile.} anywho...i went home. quickly. who knew who was watching, right? didn't want my "nut" to be discovered by another unscrupulous squirrel. and returned w/ pickup relieved to find it was still safely "hiding".
got my bounty home knowing i wanted it by our front door to catch shoes. but it was "bland" w/ the addition of locker baskets. so i randomly filled some of the other cubbies w/ some aqua ball jars + this-n-thats to give a little visual interest. i'd do it all over again. except i would just bring the truck from the beginning.
finally ... (i know you're thinking it!) ... here is the last page of our spread. it is a view of our porch. see it thru their lens {below}.

it's a wonderful retreat that we enjoy. hubby and i will often plop down in the weathered adirondack chairs throwing our feet onto the little milk stools i've enlisted as ottomans. and i've been known on a warm summer day to take a nap between projects on the wicker settee that resides here. a combination of decor that can take a beating with the addition of some lively plants makes this outdoor space a real delightful place to hang out. and...knock on wood...the mosquitoes really leave this area alone for the most part.
it's pretty quiet as we are the only house in the immediate area. deer...turkey...birds...and small furry critters are about all you see strolling around as you look off in the fields surrounding our home. feeling very lucky as i type this and even more excited about the onset of spring as today finds us barely reaching zero {0} degrees!
well...there you have it! hope you've enjoy the extended commentary on the article + photos of our home. it was a long one and if you're still reading this i'm impressed! i'm weary just @ the thought of proof-reading to be sure it makes sense. or at the very least catch the occasional spelling error here and there! :)
i am honored you stopped by...and look forward to future "shares" with you all! this "squirrel" is always up to something! and remember...HAPPY DAY TO YOU!

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